Miere's Personal Observations

Understanding the Rule of Three

There is this subconscious understanding that unnecessary complexity is root of all evil in software development. We have been fiercely ranting about the dreadful experience caused by the dependency hell. We’ve been detracting legacy code as big ball of mud because nobody can honestly understand how it works. Fearlessly, we’ve been shushing our developer mates arguing that they’ve done the wrong coding choices.

It is funny how Machiavellian we can become in name of the simplicity. Surely, we can have better days with less cyclic dependencies, we probably can adopt better design patterns or even avoid syntaxes that ordinary people can’t easily read in our source code. But, to remove complexity from our daily routine, we need a systematic approach that help us to weigh up the benefits of every piece of code we introduce in our software.

The rule of three

Source: xkcd

Benefit-first 1 is a technique to guide the decisions you made when you develop a software. Basically, before introduce any piece of code on your software you have to list pros and cons of adopting it, and analyse the impact of maintaining it in short and long term. If the benefit of introducing it is bigger than the cost of maintaining it, then it is probably safe to proceed.

The first piece of advice I’ve ever read that advocated a similar approach came from Martin Fowler on his iconic book Refactoring. According to him, we should adopt the rule of three to drive our refactoring decisions, avoiding overcomplicated strategies that might need to be rethink again in the future. As the book got notorious and relevant, the Rule of Three has been constantly repeated on the internet with subjective definition and, in some cases, with no clear steps to reproduce this technique in the future.

Distinguishing Chance, Coincidence and Trend

My professor of Statistics once taught me about a similar concept: identifying trend behaviour. Letting all mathematic formulas aside, I would reproduce his reasoning and translate to the Software Development world as follows:

By looking to these rules it is clear that they focus on the software design, diverging from its original proposal as a technique to help you to refactor your code wisely. By adopting it in the early stages of the development, we enforce simple and evolving code over reactive trial-error-refactor approach, where complex solutions will be introduced only when we need to solve a complex problem.

Final Thoughts

Sometimes the requirements are clear enough so you can jump into the complex solution straightaway, but that is not usually the case. The above mindset was an attempt to narrow down the Rule of Three scope and try to make it more reproducible on a daily-basis. As a bonus hint, I’d like to left here another definition that approaches the Rule of Three as something totally different way. I found it when I was reviewing the references for this article and it has been echoing on my mind for a bit of time already. Hopefully it will be just as enlightening for you as it was for me.

There are two "rules of three" in [software] reuse:

  • It is three times as difficult to build reusable components as single use components, and
  • a reusable component should be tried out in three different applications before it will be sufficiently general to accept into a reuse library.
  1. Benefit-first isn’t a term carved by me. Although I’ve never saw any specific mention to this term on a book or a lecture before, I heard about it a few years ago from my first mentor and I’ve been using it since then. 

  2. The Open-Closed Principle is the perfect technique for this job as, by definition, it closes out methods or classes for modification by introducing customization points that allow it to be extended from outside. 

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